What is Vanna Belt?
We offer a high quality signature line of skin care products and weight
loss solutions designed to help women reach their fitness goals, enhance
their diet, exercise, and aesthetic result

Our mission
Inspire, encourage and empower women around the world to regain
confidence in their bodies and feel comfortable in their own skin.

Vanna's story
Created in 2013 by social media fitness enthusiast Vanna Belt, Vanna's
products have already proven real results and changed lives of many
women around the world.

She realized that no matter how much diet and exercise you engage in,
everyone still faces challenges in their fitness journey. Stretch marks
will always be stretch marks, weight loss and post pregnancy will always
leave behind loose skin, and cellulite is a skin flaw that can be
present in even the fittest person in the room.

Struggling herself to maintain a toned and lean physique, Vanna was
determined to create solutions to address these issues. That’s why she
developed a high quality line of skin care products and weight loss
solutions to help women to tone and trim their bodies, and ultimately
empowers them to feel comfortable in their own skin. Her products are
the missing link to every woman fitness lifestyle.