Carrying around a bulky belly or muffin top can make you do some crazy things in the quest to get rid of it. Unfortunately, most cures to decrease the size of your belly are not only ineffective but can also be dangerous.
Losing more than water weight and getting healthier in the process means adopting lifelong habits that promote a balanced body composition. Here are my top tips to help you decrease the size of your belly!
There are no overnight miracles that will help on how to reduce the size of your belly fast. The products that make outlandish promises will not help you achieve healthy, permanent results.
In order to achieve your goals for the long run you will need to eat right and follow an exercise regime (I’ll share what you should do in this post).
Unfortunately, if you only eat right and exercise results can take weeks or months to show up. Many people find this discouraging.
While overnight results are impossible to achieve, there must be an in between right? Of course! That’s where Gel-V and V-Belt come into play.
Gel-V is our dermo-cosmetic body firming and stretch mark repair gel. V-Belt is our midsection control waistrainer designed to shape and mold your torso, tummy, love handles, baby pouch and more. Used in conjunction you will chip away at your muffin top and smooth away bulges with Gel-V’s proprietary blend of ingredients that penetrate the skin to work at the cellular level to blast away flaccidity and slow to respond areas.
The term clean eating gets tossed around a lot, but all it really involves is getting the junk food out of your diet and replacing it with real, whole foods.
That means snacking on fruits, veggies and raw nuts instead of chips, eating whole grains instead of processed ones and loading up on beans rather than burgers.
A healthy diet is necessary to support a vigorous workout routine that includes some serious strength training. Put away the tiny vinyl dumbbells and step up to a squat rack. Squats and other compound lifts, such as deadlifts and lunges, work to replace fat with lean muscle mass.
Muscle takes up less space than fat, so you will appear leaner and feel healthier even if you wind up weighing more according to the scale.
BONUS: squats and lunges help you build the booty of your dreams!
When you're not lifting, mix things up with different types of cardiovascular exercise. Try high-intensity interval training (HIIT) to push your limits and improve aerobic capacity.
Sprinting and explosive plyometric movements challenge your body while burning calories. Circuit workouts keep things interesting as you move from one exercise to another before repeating the entire cycle.
Each of these types of workouts helps burn overall body fat to reveal more of the muscle built during your lifting sessions.
Green tea has long been touted for its ability to help on how to lose belly fat fast, although the scientific evidence showing its effectiveness is spotty at best.
One thing, however, is true: green tea contains high levels of antioxidants that reduce damage in your body, including damage from inflammation.
Since stored fat releases inflammatory compounds, adding green tea to your diet could help combat some of its negative effects. Plus it tastes great, so why not? There are no downsides to drinking a cup of green tea!
Staying up too late throws off your body's balance of several key hormones related to stress, hunger and fat storage. Cortisol, which is supposed to be lower at night, remains high, prompts your body to release stored sugars, triggers the release of insulin and promotes weight gain.
A drop in the satiety hormone called leptin can drive you to reach for a midnight snack. Regain your equilibrium with a schedule that allows you to get seven to eight hours of sleep per night. These are great ways on how to lose belly fat fast.
As you work to establish these habits, you'll begin to notice positive changes in your body. Bulky fat will be replaced by muscle, revealing a slimmer, more comfortable physique. Increased energy and greater confidence will encourage you to continue living a lifestyle that supports health inside and out.
Inspire, encourage and empower women around the world to regain confidence in their bodies and feel comfortable in their own skin.
"If you're still wondering if it works! Stop, do yourself the favor and order it. I will forever be a user of the product. It's faded my stretch marks immensely on my hips, thighs and tummy."
Deanna R., Happy Gel-V Customer
"Best Belt ever!!! The V-Belt gives me the support I need and that I was looking for. It maintain my waist snatch while giving the comfort and support all while looking good 😊 with any type of clothing. Will definitely recommend this V-Belt to everyone, I love it 🥰"
Yessica P., Happy V-Belt Customer